Saturday, October 9, 2010

Vancouver Police Holds Town Hall on Violence Against Women in the Downtown Eastside

(Left to right: Sergeant Toby Hinton and Vancouver Police Chief Constable Jim Chu and Major Crimes Section Inspector Joanne Boyle faced tough questions and anger from Downtown Eastside residents.)

Smoky incense filled the air in Carnegie Theatre, as men and women prepared to speak to the Vancouver Police about violence against women in the Downtown Eastside.

The incense, lit by a small group of aboriginal women, did little to soothe the palpable tension in the room.

Vancouver Police Chief Constable Jim Chu, and Sergeant Toby Hinton, who oversees the Downtown Eastside beat, listened to a long and varied list of grievances, suggestions, and emotional testimonies from outreach workers and community members.


Chu began the meeting with a moment of silence for Ashley Machiskinic, a 22-year old woman who recently fell to her death from a building on East Hastings St.

“The ability of the police to provide safety for you is greatly enhanced if you help us, you work with us, and trust us,” Chu said.

Despite his conciliatory remarks, many community members challenged his call for trust as they stepped up to the microphone.

“There is an invisible wall between us,” said Dalannah Gail Bowen, about the Vancouver Police and the Downtown Eastside.

“You gotta start being more involved, and not just in police apprehension,” said Mona Woodward, an excutive director of the Aboriginal Front Door Society.


Woodward also spoke about the need for more support for the community in the wake of traumatic events, such as Machiskinic’s death.

“There was nobody here for the community,” she said. “There has to be some kind of system or setup so that when something like that happens, there is an appropriate response.”

Major Crimes Section Inspector Joanne Boyle responded to Woodward’s comments, emphasizing the active role Vancouver Police have taken in the investigation.

“We’re not ready to say it’s a suicide, we are not ready to say it was a homicide,” she said. “We’re ready to say that it is an active investigation, and it will stay open until we come to an conclusion with it.”


Community members also raised issues of police ticketing people on the street for minor offences such as jaywalking.

A housing rights activist began her comments by paying respect to the Coast Salish territory people, and stated the need for proper housing in the Downtown Eastside.

“These people are living in dilapidated homes,” she said. “Not even a dog or cat should live in such a condition.”

The audience applauded loudly after her comments.

Most of the speakers were applauded, particularly those who spoke from firsthand experiences about their interactions with police.

A man recounted violent interactions with police, including one in which he said he was kicked in the teeth.


Gladys Radek, an activist in the Downtown Eastside, directly addressed Wally Oppal, head of the Pickton Commission.

“I do not support you being the head of the commission,” Radek said, looking directly at Oppal. “We need someone in there who is compassionate about all the issues around missing and murdered women.”

Oppal remained silent, sitting on the sidelines near the front of the room.

“I’m a big boy; I can take the criticism,” Oppal said later, before he left the meeting. He emphasized that he was genuinely compassionate about the issue of women in the Downtown Eastside.


After two hours, around ten people were still waiting in line to speak. Chu apologized for having to cut the Town Hall short, to loud booing from the audience.

“These discussions will continue,” Chu said, and thanked the community members for coming.

As the meeting broke up, the media descended on Chu, asking for his thoughts on the anger and frustration expressed by residents.

Meanwhile, the small group of aboriginal women who had burned incense hugged each other, some silently wiping away tears.

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