Saturday, November 13, 2010

jumping ship


[fik-uhl] Show IPA
likely to change, esp. due to caprice, irresolution, orinstability; casually changeable: fickle weather.
not constant or loyal in affections: a fickle lover.
Being the fickle girl that I am, I've jumped ship to a new blog. Je vous présente: VancouverWrite.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

autumn in vancouver

I was covering the Heart of the City Festival in the Downtown Eastside last week, and during a lull in events walked to Crab Park, just over a small bridge. It's fast becoming one of my favourite little spots downtown, especially now.

Early autumn leaves always pull on my heart strings in funny little ways. Years ago, I used to take photographs of everything that moved me in some way. Autumn leaves were one of them. Now, I try to enjoy their colours and movements without attachment. It makes it easier to accept their gradual decay, and death.